Friday, August 19, 2011

The Invasion of the STUFF

I've been fighting it off for a while, but it's overtaking me.  It inches in, bit by bit, piece by piece. Generally it happens in such small increments, I don't even notice.  I am fooled into carrying it in with me.  I have good intentions. And then something happens, and I look around, and realize that I am drowning in CLUTTER. Some of that clutter is pure junk.  Some of it has morphed from important document to garbage.

So I decided to take an embarrassing, painful, self imposed photo tour of my disaster of a house. The end result, hopefully, will be that I determine that there are lots of things that can go.

Bonus Room
The first pictures are taken from just inside the door from/to the garage. My view upon walking in....

To my right are the stairs up to the bonus room.  This is a TV room, the piano room, play room, occasionally the guest room since the couch is a sleeper sofa., and a general storage and clutter room. That stack of stuff is the wood flooring we bought for the house, but cant afford to have it installed.

There is always something on the steps.  The idea is that the next person who goes up will take the item up and  put it away.

Yeah, right.

Breakfast Area
This is taken from the same place, just inside the door from the garage, looking straight ahead to the breakfast area extension of the kitchen.  Funny, we never eat breakfast at that table.  It's where we sit on the rare occassion that we all eat dinner at the same time.

This is first surface one reaches upon walking in the door, so EVERYTHING lands here.   There is a box on the floor at the end of the table that is full of all the miscellaneous cleaning stuff from under the sink , because I need to have someone come look at the garbage disposal. Also, my canner pot thing is there, because I haven't figured out what to do with it.  Our chairs ALWAYS have something hanging on the back of them, or in the seat.  Sometimes it gets knocked down. That's what happened with the laundry basket and t-shirt. The dogs toy is randomly laying on the floor.

In the top left corner of the picutre, you can see the openeing to the living room.

To the left, at 11 o'clock,  is the kitchen.  It's a good kitchen.  The mess is on the low on end for the moment.  At the far end of the bar, there is a pile of mail,  bills, statements, and stuff that for one reason or another I've held on to.   The bright orange booklet is an LMNOP handbook.

On the other end of the bar is the newspapers, more stuff hanging on the chair.  The fridge is covered with artwork and magnets.  We get a magnet from wherever we go -- it's our collectible.  On the left edge of the picture, you see the doorway to the dining room.

The Hooks

Turn 90 degrees to the left and you are staring at this wall that sports a shelf with some hooks.  We put this in before book bags weighed 5000 lbs.  They hung on the hooks so that I could have easy access while cooking dinner.

Laundry Room
Still working from the door from the garage, take one giant step to the left and do a 180, and you are looking down a short hall to the laundry area.  Laundry has overtaken, and is inching out into the hall.

In this same hall there are doors to the right and left.  On the right is the half or guest bath.  On the left is the door to my "second" pantry.  I think it may have originally been a coat closet, but when we moved in, it already had shelves.  I've always stored the extra appliances, like blenders, and mixers and crock-pots in there.  My iron cookware is in there somewhere, as well as art supplies, two EZBake ovens (waste of Santa's good money and sleigh space), art supplies, extra paper products, and other general junk.

Living Room
So now, we walk about 15 feet forward, and look into the living room.  This picture is taken from the breakfast area looking across the room. Today's decorating focal point is the tall ladder, which was needed to change light bulbs in the recessed lighting.  The living room does manage to stay relatively clutter free, because we never live there.  MightyMo watches TV in this room, and since he is the master of his own remote, and watches things like fishing and hunting shows, us girls tend to stay clear.

At the far end of the room are two doorways.  The one to the left is the foyer.  The one to the right leads to three of the bedrooms.

The foyer.  This is least used area of our house.  It's the place where you can temporarily put something large and it wont be in anyone's way.  So, I find myself sticking stuff here ALL THE TIME.

For example, there is a small cedar trunk that my mom built for me.  It's lived in BigB's room for 6 years.  We took it the foyer "temporarily" when we painted her room a couple of months ago, and she decided she did not want it to live in her room anymore.  So the foyer is where it has stayed.

In the foreground to the right is the Goodwill Box.   I have learned that I must always have a Goodwill box.  When a child pulls out clothing that has become too small, or that they have decided they hate and will never wear again, the rule is to take it immediately to the Goodwill Box.  If they don't, they leave it laying around in the room, where it eventually ends up in a dirty clothes pile, which I end up washing.  Re-washing clean clothes that my children will never wear again infuriates me worse than just anything else in the world.  I hate laundry.

Other items that are "temporarily" in the foyer:  A cello, that I must return to a friend, so it can live under her piano again, suit cases that need to go to the attic, an air mattress, because I haven't taken time to figure out whether it is the "good" one or the one with a hole in, and my vacuum cleaner, because I am ABOUT to vacuum. 

Dining Room
From the foyer, we take a left and look into the dining room.  This is the most embarrassing of all the rooms, because it has been a mess for the longest.  The mess is actually in layers. starts with the

The gold table cloth was put over another table cloth to protect it when B was finishing a school project last spring.   There is a bag from Hobby Lobby with extra supplies from the project.  There is a box that brought some magic something from UPS... ARGH. There is something else in the box now, but I cannot remember what.  Also in the dining room are boxes of fabric scraps and stuff that were my mother-in-laws.  My father-in-law was cleaning out some things after her death and I wanted her sewing machine.  He decided anything and everything that had to do with sewing needed to accompany the machine to my house. So.... stuff.

And now, we're back, full circle, standing in the door from the dining room that looks into the kitchen.  The pantry door is ALWAYS open. We have a bulletin board attached to the door which holds a calendar, pictures, some bills, school login info, etc.

There is more house, more clutter, but  I'll save that for another day.  If I can get these rooms cleaned up this weekend, I'll have accomplished a ton.

Monday, August 15, 2011

The NEW me.

I am on a mission.

My mission begins with being focused at work.  IE: Actually focusing on work.  There are many things undone, many things done poorly and many things I can do better.  I am on a mission.

My mission is to totally be ready for something brand new in 9.5 months (no, I am NOT pregnant.).  June 1, 2012 is my target date, with a self imposed grace period to July 1.  There is much to do.

I guess I am off to a bad start, since I am blogging on work time. But, I've probably accomplished more this morning than I did all of last week. 

BigB and Mojo started school this morning.  (Technically, Mojo started last week, but in my opinion, they were half days filled with unpacking supplies, coloring and mom doing paperwork.  Let's just say, I don't think they count.)   The start of school is the perfect time for me to start a new routine.  

So... here is my list of changes that are being implemented today:
  1. Spend more time working when its work time.    I know, I know.  This seems like an easy thing to do, but I have this habit of working when I should be home with family, and doing family things when I should be working. 
  2. I am going to get back to my weight watchers diet.  Or Atkins, or something, or some combination of the two.  I am within 6-8 lbs of gaining back all 32 of the pounds I busted my butt to loose two years ago.  I refuse to gain them all back.  I am going to reverse the progression on the scales.   I WILL program exercise into my schedule.   My age demands it.  Core strength is going to be my focus, since this helps my back the most.  Cardio is secondary.  (Mojo wants to run cross country. I doubt it will last, but maybe we can work at it together. )
It's not a long list, but these two things will help me accomplish my big goal. There are many sub-lists. I've got lots of details to work out.

Check on me along  the way.  Allow no excuses. In 9.5 months, I hope I'll be introducing you to the NEW, new me. I am pumped!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

And now we return to our regularly scheduled programming.

It's back to school time. 

I am so underexcited about homework, and projects, and test studying, and packing snacks, and yucky school lunc.... wait. that's not my line!  Those lines go to the kids.

But, I am underexcited about having to oversee all of this. It's back to ironing uniforms, and monitoring homework, making sure everyone has their supplies and making sure the kids get three square meals a day, because if they don't eat a good breakfast, they will surely suffer misreably. (My only question is - do Keebler
Chocolate Chip cookies count as a good breakfast?)  I get to do all that, all while working a full time job, amongst other important things. It's a challenge, not because it's hard stuff,  but because it's on someone else's schedule.

Don't get me wrong.  I am excited about is routine. I do actually like routine, knowing what to expect and when to expect it. I am not afraid to alter the routine when needed (which seems to be often), but at least I know I am interrupting.  What I don't like is the schools lack of respect for my routine.

Fact:  I know my kids have busy afternoons on Monday's and Tuesdays.  They have extra curricular activities that in my opinion, are very, very close to being just as important as their school work.  This is my parent prerogative, and the school cannot take that away.  The problem is that teachers tend to hand out their "goal sheets", generally with a boat load of assignments on them, on Mondays.  It seems that there is generally lots of stuff due on Tuesday's and Wednesday's. Right when my kids have the least amount of time.

Now, why can't teachers pass out assignments for the following week on Fridays?  For us, the weekends could  be used to get a little ahead, to compensate for lack of time during the week.   There is nothing wrong with working ahead, especially when its things like looking up definitions, or copying spelling words 3 times, or copying a Bible verse. If the assignment is math, with a new concept that won't be covered until Monday, that is a different story.  

Anyway, I get frustrated with the fact that the systems don't teach time management.  Management of the students time, not the teachers.

Also, I teach my kids to use found time.  For years, they've done homework (and even practice band instruments) in the car.  Last year, BigB and I spent an average of about 25 minutes every school day traveling to school.  Sometimes she played clarinet, sometimes she studied, sometimes we talked, and sometimes she slept.  Whatever she did, it was good use of time.  She did not sit day dreaming watching the scenery go by. MightyMO took Mojo to school daily, and she did sort of the same thing, just on a smaller scale.  This school year, MightyMO's new job is throwing a kink in that.  The plan right now is to put BigB on the bus everyday at 6:15.  I still have to drive her to the bus stop, but it's closer -- probably not enough time to practice anything.  And I doubt she'll be allowed to practice clarinet on the bus.  Hopefully, she'll still use the time for homework. 

So, I guess you could say we are returning to the regularly scheduled programming.. It's the same show, but its the season premier.  We know the characters, and the theme, but we are also in the dark, and don't know how the story will unfold.  Heck, we're not even sure how it will begin.    

Stay tuned.  We'll be back right after this....

Monday, August 8, 2011

My bucket list...

There are so many things I want to do.  There are many things I enjoy. There are things I want to try. There are places I want to go.  So, today, I decided to blog about my bucket list.  My bucket probably has a hole in it... I will never fill it, and it will never be finished.  There will always be something to be added.

There are many places I want to go and things I want to see, so I will start with that:

  • I want to go to France.  I want to see Paris, but more than that, I want to go to see the beautiful country side, and sip wine and eat fresh bread in little old villages where tourists don't go.  I also want to go to Holland, Switzerland, Austria, and back to Italy.  Oh, and Ireland.  
  • I want to go somewhere where I can see whales in the wild. 
  • I want to go on a mission trip to a crisis or underdeveloped area.  I don't really care where.  I think the experience of leaving my comfort zone, and going into this environment would be humbling.
  • I want to go to a tropical area - Jamaica maybe?   I want to stay away from touristy areas.
  • I want to go to the west coast, especially the coast in Washington, Oregon, and Northern California. 
I want to discover my right brain....

  • I want to take an oil painting class.  I'd be happy with the Bob Ross classes on painting florals.
  • I want to learn to play the piano.  I will probably never learn all the theory and classical styles and such, but maybe I could learn one of the "chord" styles  (you know, the stuff for hopelessly untalented adults.) .  I could play Jingle Bells at Christmas. 
  • I want to actually learn to sing. (I am not sure there is a "chord" style for hopelessly untalented singers.)
  • I want to sew. I learned how some years ago, but gave it up for lack of  time.  Someday...(hopefully, before I completely loose my close up eye sight.)
I want to do a few things.

  • I want to snow ski.
  • I think I want to sky dive.  I am not 100% convinced yet, but I think I do.
  • I want to experience a luxury spa trip.  Messages, manicures, pedicures facials.  I don't want to pay for it, or be able to trade it for cash. I'd never do it for myself.
I want to own a few things:
  • A Yorkshire Terrier.
  • A horse, preferably a quarter horse.  I'd like a barn to go with it.  And a saddle, bridle, and such. 
  • Land.  For the horse. 
  • I want a tractor. Preferably a red one. I guess a riding lawn mower will do.  
There are some things I want to accomplishment:
  • I want to grow things.  I've always felt I was cursed with a black thumb.  I want to overcome this.
  • I want improve my cooking. I would like to be able to be something close to a gourmet cook.
  • I want to jog/run.  I want to be in shape enough to run a 10k.
  • I want to not worry about what others think, and do funny and crazy things, just because.
I want to have a sense of personal satisfaction.  I want to be at peace with myself.   Most of all, I want to make a difference. I want to touch people in a way that makes their lives better in some small way, even if its so small they don't even know it. My kids, my friends, perfect strangers.  And Billy Goats.  

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Where have I been the last week.

After all this time NOT blogging, I should have a wealth of topics.  Blogs should come easy. The ideas should be flying out the ends of my fingers with such force and speed that they would be typing the words themselves.


I have had a pretty amazing week.  10 days, actually.

Last weekend, I canned some stuff for the first time.  Saturday, I made bread and butter pickles, because they are T-mans favorites.  I searched far and wide and found pickling cucumbers, which Mallory and I washed and sliced.  Bentley made the seasoning.  We used a mix for the seasonings.  I figured this was a smart and safe move, since this was  the first time I'd made pickles, but I'm not so sure now.  The pickles turned out pretty good, but I would have liked for them to be sweeter.  Sunday, I also made peach butter.  It is delicious.  With these things made, I can officially say, I have started my Christmas shopping.

Tuesday,  I took BigB to her voice lesson. It was a GREAT lesson, the best one yet. Billy Goat and Chickenandcow lady showed up, and the lesson was even more fun than usual.  I felt there was fantastic momentum when we left the lesson, but alas, I think Conrad Birdie stole all of it.  The practice just has not been there this week.

Speaking of Conrad Birdie, this was the last week of rehearsals for MOjo and BigB.  They are in a community theater performance of Bye Bye Birdie.  The show is a hoot.  We spent basically every night at the theater, rehearsing.   And while I can complain about this adnauseam, doing this show has been F-U-N.  They've had a blast, and are so enjoying performing. They've made new friends, learned a little, and just overall enjoyed themselves.  Despite the distance, and late nights, and frustrations, they will do this again.   Heck, I even think I'd like to do it.

Thursday, kicked off the Choir year. I love the choir.  Love it.  The girls are the actual members. They get a lot from this -- from hard work, to seeing something come together over time (aka -- NOT instant gratification), to learning how to be a member of a team, to great friendships.  But, even though the kids are the members, and I have been a mere volunteer, I think I've gotten as much, and maybe more, from the choir than they have.  There is a group of incredibly talented and creative people associated with the choir. Some are the staff members, and some are a group of parents that help with the "stuff" with this choir.  Those people have become my friends, and I  feel at home with this group. Probably more so than I have with any group of people, ever.

Thursday evening, I got to hang out with my favorite Billy Goat, Caprino.  I got to hear her ideas and thoughts about her future.  I got to see her act silly.  I also got to see her stress out a little.  Actually, it was co-stressing with me as I was driving through a nightmarish storm.  This was the highlight of the week.   I took her to see BBB. It was actually the final dress rehearsal that was run as a full show. I am looking forward to the next time we can get together. I chickened out on doing the chicken dance.  The situation was not right. We shall dance and sing, and possibly cluck, together somewhere sometime soon.

Friday was a repeat on the choir stuff (te kids are amazing), and back to the theater for opening night - which was sold out.  There was a cast party after the opening, which we skipped.  I was too tired.  Oh, and we got to hang out with another amazing kid from choir who is is also in BBB.

Saturday.  I slept. and  slept.  And then, just for good measure, I slept some more. Not much got accomplished Saturday,  MOjo got her phone, and her very own number.  She is styling now.   (My reasons and justification for my 10 year old  having a phone might be a blog post of its own.) We went -- you guessed it! -- to the theater.  I helped with intermission, and then we went to Ruby Tuesdays with a bunch of cast members.  It was fun.  I sat w ith the Choir Czar and her hubby, as well as their good friend, and one of the choir parents.

Sunday - church!  There was a guest vocalist.  She sang the contemporary Christian stuff we always have.  She sang it well.  (I say that and wonder what my creative music folks would think.)   I googled her, and she has a couple of home videos of her singing in church  They did nothing compare to her live performance.  Her name is Jillian Wolf.

After the show, we went with the cast to a Mexican Place..  It was pretty good, and the girls had a great time. The we headed home.

But once again, I am exhausted and must sleep.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A word for Billy Goat.

I have not blogged in a week.  It is a travesty, and I know my vast readership is suffering, so, I shall provide a brief update.  

My update is a list of the reasons for my lack of postings.  
  1. Lately, all of my free time is consumed with a man.  A boy, actually.  A teen idol of minimal proportion. We'll call him Conrad.   (The kicker is that he is fictional.)
  2. I continue to want to write about the things that are WRONG in my life, and the things I'd like to do to change them. It's a broken record.  
  3. I canned.  (This might be blog material - I am really proud of myself!)  I made a gazillion pickles and peach butter.  
  4. Nothing too interesting has happened. I chicken danced in the mall.  I tried to sing opera. 
So, for now, this is my update.  It ain't much.