Monday, August 8, 2011

My bucket list...

There are so many things I want to do.  There are many things I enjoy. There are things I want to try. There are places I want to go.  So, today, I decided to blog about my bucket list.  My bucket probably has a hole in it... I will never fill it, and it will never be finished.  There will always be something to be added.

There are many places I want to go and things I want to see, so I will start with that:

  • I want to go to France.  I want to see Paris, but more than that, I want to go to see the beautiful country side, and sip wine and eat fresh bread in little old villages where tourists don't go.  I also want to go to Holland, Switzerland, Austria, and back to Italy.  Oh, and Ireland.  
  • I want to go somewhere where I can see whales in the wild. 
  • I want to go on a mission trip to a crisis or underdeveloped area.  I don't really care where.  I think the experience of leaving my comfort zone, and going into this environment would be humbling.
  • I want to go to a tropical area - Jamaica maybe?   I want to stay away from touristy areas.
  • I want to go to the west coast, especially the coast in Washington, Oregon, and Northern California. 
I want to discover my right brain....

  • I want to take an oil painting class.  I'd be happy with the Bob Ross classes on painting florals.
  • I want to learn to play the piano.  I will probably never learn all the theory and classical styles and such, but maybe I could learn one of the "chord" styles  (you know, the stuff for hopelessly untalented adults.) .  I could play Jingle Bells at Christmas. 
  • I want to actually learn to sing. (I am not sure there is a "chord" style for hopelessly untalented singers.)
  • I want to sew. I learned how some years ago, but gave it up for lack of  time.  Someday...(hopefully, before I completely loose my close up eye sight.)
I want to do a few things.

  • I want to snow ski.
  • I think I want to sky dive.  I am not 100% convinced yet, but I think I do.
  • I want to experience a luxury spa trip.  Messages, manicures, pedicures facials.  I don't want to pay for it, or be able to trade it for cash. I'd never do it for myself.
I want to own a few things:
  • A Yorkshire Terrier.
  • A horse, preferably a quarter horse.  I'd like a barn to go with it.  And a saddle, bridle, and such. 
  • Land.  For the horse. 
  • I want a tractor. Preferably a red one. I guess a riding lawn mower will do.  
There are some things I want to accomplishment:
  • I want to grow things.  I've always felt I was cursed with a black thumb.  I want to overcome this.
  • I want improve my cooking. I would like to be able to be something close to a gourmet cook.
  • I want to jog/run.  I want to be in shape enough to run a 10k.
  • I want to not worry about what others think, and do funny and crazy things, just because.
I want to have a sense of personal satisfaction.  I want to be at peace with myself.   Most of all, I want to make a difference. I want to touch people in a way that makes their lives better in some small way, even if its so small they don't even know it. My kids, my friends, perfect strangers.  And Billy Goats.  


  1. I enjoyed your post. I feel like an underachiever with my bucket list. HA! I am so dull! What an exciting list! Oh, just so you know- you have made a difference in my life-made it better! I know it's a ditto for Billy Goat too! You can mark that off. :) Thanks!
