Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A word for Billy Goat.

I have not blogged in a week.  It is a travesty, and I know my vast readership is suffering, so, I shall provide a brief update.  

My update is a list of the reasons for my lack of postings.  
  1. Lately, all of my free time is consumed with a man.  A boy, actually.  A teen idol of minimal proportion. We'll call him Conrad.   (The kicker is that he is fictional.)
  2. I continue to want to write about the things that are WRONG in my life, and the things I'd like to do to change them. It's a broken record.  
  3. I canned.  (This might be blog material - I am really proud of myself!)  I made a gazillion pickles and peach butter.  
  4. Nothing too interesting has happened. I chicken danced in the mall.  I tried to sing opera. 
So, for now, this is my update.  It ain't much.  

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