Well, I can end September, and start October with some new stuff:
Mighty Mo's Big Change:
This weekend, Mighty Mo is embarking phase two of his newest job. He heads out Sunday morning, and we won't see him again till Friday. (Unless you count Skype.) This, of course, means a big change for all of us. He asked me before he took this job what I thought of him traveling 75%-80% of the time. The fact is, I have mixed feelings. Very mixed feelings.
- The Pro's: I am excited about a few little things. I am excited that I can "take back" some of the little concessions I make for the sake of peace in the house. I know these concessions are a part of living with someone, and loving them, and I feel a little guilty about being excited about them. But, nonetheless, here they are:
- I can use the kitchen after 9pm if I want to.
- I can have "regular" coffee, not half-caf, on weekdays.
- I can throw out left-overs before they turn green.
- I can watch TV on the big TV.
- I can watch TV on the big TV after 9pm.
- I can read in bed.
- I can have my night light(s).
- I can adjust the thermostat without fear of hysterics.
- I can order pizza with black olives.
- I can cook a dinner that does not include meat OR potatoes.
- OK... I am starting to feel bad about this list...
- The Con's: There are several things I am worried about. Mighty Mo does lots of little things I take for granted. I guess those are his concessions. For example, I pull the liner out of the kitchen garbage can, tie it up, and set it by the back door, and it magically disappears. He walks the dog every morning. He stops at the store, and makes sure we have things like milk and sausage. He keeps the yard looking nice (or at least neat), and takes care of the rental houses. Those are all things I know I can handle, but it's nice to know someone else is taking care of it. I am not worried about those things. I am worried about these things:
- That Mighty Mo does not understand the level of stress traveling creates, and that he will hate it. I fear the prospect of facing another job change. He's already traded in one job that paid more than twice as much because it was too stressful. I pray he didn't trade one stress for another and 1/2 the money.
- I think the weekends that fall between two trips will be stressful, just because his time at home will be spent preparing to leave again. I hope that we get to enjoy our weekends, and him.
- I am worried that on the week he is home, the house will be in turmoil. The girls and I will adjust to his being gone. I am not too worried about it. What I do worry about is that when he is home for a week, he will he adjust to us? Or will he expect the pre-travel status quo? While I know he'll need the sanctuary of being home, he also needs to be accommodating to the adjustments we will inadvertently make, and not expect us to topsy-turvy just because he's there.
The Winter Garden
I planted a winter garden. I am praying, praying that it turns out to be a good thing, and even something I love. So far, I am thrilled with the progress, even though everything hasn't been perfect. (I grew weeds instead of spinach.) Somehow, I feel that the success or failure of the garden is tied to my future. It's a harbinger of things to come, or not to come. I need it to be a success.
The Wedding
I am not sure if I ever gave my baby brother, or his finance (now wife), blog names. I will have to work on that. But, they got married. In Tennessee. It was a beautiful wedding that was distinctly them. Very special. I got to be a part of it by helping coordinate. This was an important event in my life, probably more so than I knew before it happened. I've always loved baby brother in a sort of parental way; very differently than I love the other brother -- an age difference of 11 years and where I was in the world when he was little left a huge mark on me. His marriage will probably only be topped by the marriages of my own children. Knowing, that SHE is his soul mate is huge. I know this from the bottom of my heart, beyond a shadow of a doubt, and even have had an angel visit and tell me so. (Yes, I was visited in a dream. No alcohol or hallucinogens required. I'll tell the story sometime. )
The LMNOP Choir
I am officially a contract laborer. I took over the bookkeeping September 1. It's taken me most of the month to transition things. While this change will probably streamline lots of things, and not be a huge time impact from where I was, there is a mental change. Now, it's a job, an official obligation now. I hope I can continue to love everything I do in spite of it. So far, so good.
Let's just not go there.
The House:
Well, it's still a landfill. Clutter, clutter, clutter. I had to be home one day to wait for the plumber. I got so much done in just a couple of hours. I need that time. I want that time. But, I can't take that time. (see subtitle "Work".)
School and Extra Curriculars
I'm going to finish up the post here.
Tman is struggling. Sadly, I am not sure he knows what he is struggling with. He thinks he is struggling with school. I think he is struggling with work ethic.
I am disappointed in where he is right now, and I am not sure I have the right to be. He says he is working his butt off, but I don't think he really understands what that means.. I just haven't seen, in attitude, input, or output signs of "working his butt off". But he's not right under my nose either. He's made some bad decisions
My girls are doing well. (What does it about me that says if they are doing well, they aren't doing enough? ) MoJo is really just excelling in school. She is organized, and thoughtful, and determined. It is a very nice change. The problem with that is that I don't feel like she is challenged. I'm not sure any of the kids are being 'taught'. They are being assigned. She is loving singing. Really loving it. And, in my unprofessional opinion, she is doing exceptionally well. Her high tones are really clear and are so pretty and crisp.
Big B is also doing VERY well. There has been some change in her demeanor that is a bit worrisome. I guess its teenagedom. She is forgetful, and has even forgotten two homework assignments (that I know of). She still has 6 A's and one B. Her singing, clarinet and piano are all coming along nicely. She drive comes in spurts. I guess that is ok. She is finding her way.
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