Sunday, October 9, 2011

Recounting a good weekend.

All afternoon, things have been happening, and I've been thinking "I need to blog about this".  Now, I am sitting here with this empty white box in front of my, and it has acted like a vortex (as if I know what a vortex is), and sucked my thoughts right out of my head.  Sigh.

The weekend started out great.  I spent Friday afternoon driving around, thinking and day dreaming.  I saw Billy Goat, and the Kid.  I also got to meed Grandma & Grandpa Goat.  They seemed quite nice, but I was a little afraid they thought I was lurking around, and a danger to the grand-goats.  (This goat thing may be going too far.)   I stopped in at Lowe's and picked up a few things, including some spinach plants.  

Saturday, I spent the morning and early afternoon in the garden. I NEVER thought I'd enjoy this as much as I am.  I started out thinning the turnips.  I forgot this step, and it probably should have been done 2 weeks ago.  I've probably stunted their growth.  Next, I planted the spinach plants from Lowe's.  My attempt at direct sewing the seeds failed, and so I've started plants in trays.  They are JUST sprouting. I smile every time I see a new little green sprig.  I actually caught my self talking to them.    Anyway, I want to make sure I have spinach, so I bought the 16 plants.  I'll add my 48 additional plants in a couple of weeks.  I weeded the sweet peas, and I also planted some green onion seeds.   It may be to late for the onions, but we'll see.    I bought onion and garlic bulbs to plant for next spring, and then realized I had no where left to plant them.  So, in the end, I've decided the garden is too small.  I may be building a raised planter next weekend.

I also planted daffodil bulbs.  I love daffodils.  I guess, it would qualify as one of my favorite flowers.  I cannot see or think of a daffodil without thinking of my Nanna.  She had a field beside her house where she had planted rows and rows of daffodils.  I grew up playing that field, and in the spring, I would pick daffodils until I couldn't carry anymore.  No matter how many I picked, she always found vases for me to put them in, and we displayed them around the house.

The rest of the day was spent on exciting stuff like laundry and eating.  Mojo spent the night with a friend, and Big B and I watched Titanic.  I started feeling really achy and got chills and was running a fever.  I just knew I was getting sick.  I feel asleep during the movie, and I guess BigB pretty much tucked me in.

Sunday morning I woke up feeling much better. We made it to 9:15 the church service.  The sermon series is about God's Will the reconciliation of free will with God's will.  It's a deep topic. And it hit home, on many levels.

After church, Bentley and I sent MightyMo off on week two of his travel.  We were all OK with things, and it was a little easier on everyone, knowing what to expect.  The fact is that last week didn't progress that much differently than when MightyMo was home. I added taking the garbage out twice a week and walking the dog to my daily to do list.  And, quite frankly, that is really all I can say I noticed.  The girls probably spent more time with MightyMo on Skype than they would have spent with him had he been home.

After a trip to the grocery store, and checking in on Mojo, BigB and I picked the first lettuce from my garden!  Yay!  I  picked some outer leaves from the romaine and iceberg, washed it, and cut it up.  For dinner, I had a sandwich with my romaine lettuce, and a salad from the same.  It was good!

After picking the lettuce, I headed to my moms. (I took her enough for a single serving salad.)  I had called her and asked if she had some things on her "to-do" list I could help with this afternoon.  Whatever this thing is that has a hold of her is really taking its toll.  Her strength is completely zapped.  Her pain comes and goes.  I wish we could get to the bottom of it... Anyway, I helped mom by cleaning the pool. It had not been done for a couple of weeks, and will need to be done once or twice more before we can cover it for the winter.  Right now, I think that is easier than taking it down.  She says she's letting it go next year...

AH HA -- I just remembered one of the things I wanted to include in my blog.  It's a story about my family that I heard for the first time today.   My great aunt on my moms side, Lorraine Shelton, passed away this weekend.  She was quite the character.  Her daughter, Janice, and my mom were comrades in arms in their youth, getting into all manner of hoopla.  She refereed. An aunt from the OTHER (dads) side of my family called to make sure we knew of her passing.  While we were on the phone she told me how my Aunt Lorraine's sister, Margret, had lived with my paternal grandparents when she was in high school.  Lorraine and Margret's father could not get Margret into town to the high school for school everyday, so he worked a deal with my grandfather that Margret could board with them during the week in exchange for babysitting a couple of nights a week, so Margret took care of my dad and my aunts.  Hearing stories like this reminds me why I like small towns.

I got the pool cleaned, while BigB studied for one of her FOUR tests tomorrow. She has make up work due to being out sick last week, and EQTs start tomorrow.   I took her to church and went back to moms and helped with a couple of other little things.  I got a phone call from BigB, while she was at church.  This is a phone call that was a first for me:  "Mom, this lady found two kittens under the dumpster at church! Can I bring one home and keep it? "  It just breaks my heart.  Because BigB loves loves loves animals so much, and because, I'd really like to have an outside cat, to keep the creatures that come into the yard from the woods at bay.  When I get my barn, I will have a barn cat.  Yes, I will.

Oh, I made the mistake of giving my dog a rawhide bone.  She is worthless and in another dimension now.  She has become a possessed bi-polar dog, and cannot be bribed with treats, or walks on the leash or even a car ride.  She stayed in one spot, huddled over her bone,  and would not move.  I couldn't get her to go outside.  I may have to borrow an armor suit, and take it away.

That is how my weekend went.  I wish it wasn't over yet.  I need about 3 more days!

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