Please don't hunt me down.
Back to code names...
Some of the code names I use, people have given to themselves. Others are life long "pet" names, and some have been inherited. There are a few "original" to this blog.
Here is my current list of characters:
MightyMO - My husband. His friends gave him this nickname long ago. It has something to do with his personality and his initials. I only get the initials part. (Just kidding - Love you! ) But I am really not too worried about the joking insult, because I suspect you will never read this blog, visit facebook, twitter, or otherwise become cyber-social. It's a little sad.
T-Man - My one and only son. I've called him this since he was a little squirt. Now he is 20.5, tall, and truly almost a man. When he pays his own bills, and eats quiche, I'll deem him a real man. Other names considered for him: AHole, Jerk, Turkey-Butt and Grump. I think T-Man is the nicest, but sadly, it is not really reflective of his personality. I love him, but he's abrasive, in a totally lovable way. If you can tolerate him, he's a really good guy deep down.
Big B - This is my eldest daughter. She likes this nickname because it was given to her by her softball buddies. (We are sure missing softball!) She is always, always, always is tallest, her first name starts with "B" and she has a "big bat". And, well, it suits her in many ways. She's got a big heart, a big personality, a big brain, big talent. She's just a big person, in ways that have nothing to do with her physical size.
MO-jo -This is a new nickname for my youngest daughter that we're trying on for size. She shares her dad's initials "MO". She can really put the MOjo on me -- she's got some serious powers of persuasion, and can certainly get me in a tizzy before I can say "No MO"! I'm not sure if it will stick or not.
Lucy - This is the dog. I figure she can go by her real name. She is from Mississippi.
Geege, The Geege, GG - This is my mom. She is awesome. She's becoming even more awesome as senility sets in. It's entertaining.
PapaO - MightyMo's dad, my father-in-law. One of the most well rounded, interesting, smartest people I've ever had the privilege of knowing. I have a ton of respect for him, and the way he's lived his life.
Chickenandcowlady - a friend with personality and talent of infinite proportion. She has chickens, cows, and a garden. She is brave - she's felt a calf in utero. I think she knows how to operate a chainsaw, and drive a tractor. She makes ghee. She plays the piano. How cool is that?
The Choir Czar - I have not posted about the Choir Czar yet, but she is one of the most gifted people I have ever met. Her gift is the ability to take a group of kids, train them, instruct them, and then, after a while, have angelic sound come from the group of them. I am not sure I have ever known anyone who loves their children as "hard" as the Choir Czar. When she is in that mode, she the Mother Czar.
DrC - Someone else whom I have not posted about, but I'm sure I will soon. DrC is my co worker, and one of the best friends I've ever had. Incredibly level headed, and great sounding board. Someone who can set me straight in a heartbeat.
??? - There is one young lady who I really think the world of. She boosted my ego in huge ways. She listed me as one of her favorite athletes on FB and other people "liked" me, too... I guess you could say she kind of started a fan club for me. How cool is that? I've been trying to come up with a special name that is reflective of her many qualities, talents and traits. It might have something to do with a hobbit. Or opera. Or piano. Or essays. Or possibly moose adoration. The possibilities are endless.
There are many more friends and family member who do "life" with me. Most are still unnamed. It's kind of fun to try to come up with these names that are descriptive of the real person, put protect their identity.
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