Monday, October 17, 2011

Blurb: Funny Memories

Today, I got to spend a little quality time with Mojo.  She is something else!  And I need to come up with a new name for her.  Mojo is just not working out.... but that isn't what this blurb is about.

Somehow in the conversation today, we talked about the fact that ALL children manage to swallow a coin, and that most, if not all, get some object stuck in some cranny in their head.  We had a chuckle as I remembered the orifice plugging adventures...

BigB was about 4.   Her friend, Natalie, had given her a golden princess crown, adorned with lovely pink heart shaped crystal jewels.  B loved  that crown.  On this particular night, I have no idea where the crown was, but apparently the largest, pinkest heart shaped crystal had come unglued right from the front and center the crown, and BigB was absentmindedly playing with it while watching TV.  The next thing I know she says:

"Momma, I can't get it out of my nose."
"You can't get WHAT out of your nose?"
"My heart. "  

Now, just imagine the dumbfounded looks on parents faces...

Of course, we proceeded to look in the childs nose, and figure out what was in there, and begin a "discussion" about getting it out.  I think MightyMo suggested needle nose pliers, and I was yelling that there was no way on God's green earth....  Well, you can just imagine.

In the end, it was my calm and rational thinking (ha!) that saved the day.  I had B take a deep breath through her mouth, and blow her nose while I held the other nostril closed.  The next thing you know, I was holding a glittering, heart shaped, pink boogy.      Which went immediately in the garbage.  

B continued to play princess with that crown, with the missing jewel, and every time she did, I laughed at the thought  of the glittering, heart shaped, pink booger.

Mojo suffered from ear infections as a young child.  Eventually she got to the point that she didn't t run a fever or complain that her hears hurt. but sometimes she would tell us that she could hear gurgling inside her ears.  That became the tell tale sign.  I assume that gurgling is what prompted her to put toilet paper in her ear canal. I guess she was planning to DRY out her ear.

She came to me one day and said that she couldn't get all the toilet paper out of her ear.   HUH?  And so began her adventure.  I got what I could, and even got the tweezers out, but it was WAY down there.  I called the pediatrician and scheduled an appointment. The pediatrician got some out, but said nope -- it was too far down there and scheduled a same day appointment with the ENT.    The removal of the toilet paper ended up happening under a microscope with the aspiration machine, which , by the way, also removed the gurgle via the ear tube.

Anyway, we had a good laugh over these stories, so I thought I'd share.  :)

1 comment:

  1. I have an orifice story too! I put stuff up my nose and then couldn't get it out. I panicked and blamed my little brother. My mom got it out the same way-me blowing. She scolded my brother. He promised to never do it again. :)
