Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I have wanted to blurb for days, but things keep coming up, and I haven't gotten around to it.  Since my memory has as many holes in as my kitchen colander, I've probably forgotten most of the things, but here goes BLURB-O-RAMA!

Weddings, Brothers and Sister-in-laws:  
Both of my brothers have gotten married within the last 6 weeks.  Since most of my friends and acquaintances don't know either of them, this is sometimes a bit complicated when I talk about the brothers, and their new brides. Anyway, the older of my two brothers and his new wife were in town this weekend.  I always enjoy them.   They got to hear/see the LMNOP Choir perform, the first time either of them had heard them live.

LMNOP and Performance:
I was super impressed with the choir at their performance this past Saturday! Super!   I love the choir.
I am also getting frustrated, I have probably run my mouth too much about my frustrations.  I cannot quite put my finger on my frustrations, but they are real, and they are there.

Garden Blurb:
Most of the garden is looking good.  I cant figure out why some things have just stopped.  I am waiting for more broccoli.  I know I've said it before, but I am enjoying this more than I could have imagined!

Pear Butter Blurb:
I made pear butter this weekend.  It is the bomb!  The bomb!  I went a little nuts and bought a bunch more pears. I was going to make more pear butter, but MightyMo asked me to find a recipe for pear preserves like his grandmother used to make.  (A sign of his 'approval' of the stuff I've been making.)   I am searching. I also will be doing more with apples. (see next blurb!)

Canning Equipment and Amazon Blurb: 
I went a little crazy with my Amazon shopping.  I bought a pressure canner -- a 23 quart!  WooHoo! It should come on the "big brown truck of joy" tomorrow.   I  have no idea what I am going to can in it yet, but I will find something.  I sure didn't want to have the perfect thing to can, only to not have the equipment! ;o
I also bought an apple peeler, some clear-jel, labels for jars that I can personalize. I'm set.

Balancing Act Blurb:
As I somewhat suspected, MightyMo's weekend home weekend required balance. We had Brother & Wife in town, a major football game matchup on TV, and Mighty Mo, all vying for the same limited time slots.  MightyMo wanted us home.  He did not like the idea of me inviting brother & wife and friends over. So to keep peace, I ran back and forth. It was tiring.

Big B's Church Performance Blurb: 
Lesson learned.  Two years in a row she has done this fundraiser.   It's just not fair to have to get up and sing sans any rehearsal with the sound equipment.

Work Blurb:
I was doing so well -- so motivated. Key word: was.  It was short lived. I am working on working.

LMNOP Choir Pecans Blurb:
I have dealt with orders for 1896 pound of pecans.  This weekend, I will actually sort/touch just about every one of those 1896 pounds.

More blurbs later!

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