Back on track here...
Ghee. Chickenandcowlady has been generously supplying me with ghee. I am MOST grateful. I am not even sure how to say how much I appreciate or express how much I love the stuff. But, curiosity and a sense of independence grabbed hold of me, and I decided that I should try to make it myself. Now, I have no cow, so I knew there was no way I was going to duplicate what I'd been used to. I purchased butter in bulk (4lbs) at Sams, and followed a ghee recipe that CACL had sent me a link to. I think she sent me the recipe, not so much for me to make it, but so I'd understand the process, and what happened as butter was transformed to ghee. (chickenandcowlady is entirely to long, and it ticks my spell checker off every time I type it, so hence forward, CACL is it.)
I printed out the 6 pages or so of instructions and pictures and read and re-read them. I studied the pictures, and read the descriptions of the smells, and the way the bubbles looked. I was ready. So, in my stint of hanging out in the kitchen during The Saga of the Laminite Flooring, Part 3, I began. I chopped up the butter and put it on the stove, with my instructions sitting right beside me. As the butter melted, I prepared my strainer and cheese cloth. I watched a 4 minute video on You Tube on how to make ghee. (dang lady talked about food allergies more than she talked about how to make ghee. Oh - and she said she used ghee as a moisturizer, which I found really odd, and way TMI in a 4 minute cooking video ). Just as the butter began to froth a little, I was called on to help on the flooring project, so I had to turn everything off, and go do that for a little while. When I came back, I turned everything on again, and got back to the same point. I referred to the recipe often, but I did one thing that was in the video and not in my printed recipe -- I skimmed the froth off the butter. Meticulously.
I watched the pot, I sniffed, I studied and compared pictures to what was going on in the pot on my stove. As I followed the recipe, I was worried, since nothing seemed to match up. Not the color, smells or the appearance of the bubbles. I felt I was on my own, but I still referred to the pictures and instructions often. I'm glad I did. After about 45 minutes, I suddenly, and somewhat unexpectedly found myself at the last step - fizzy bubbles. There was the smallest amount of colored stuff on the edges of the pot, and there was a smell that was sort of nutty and caramelish, all at the same time. . I removed from heat, and strained. Low and behold there was a tiny amount of light golden brown stuff at the bottom of the pan, and in the cheese cloth.
Ghee, just after straining. |
Ghee, batch 1, after setting. |
My ghee was more yellow than golden, but the smell was right. Still, I thought something was wrong. I let it sit on the counter and went about my business. A few hours later Mojo is hollering - "MOM, is that ghee?!? YOU made that? (shock) It's so pretty!" Low and behold, the ghee had set and it was gorgeous. The color was creamy yellow, and the texture was, too. It smelled wonderful. But as with all cooking, the proof is in the pudding. So, we made toast. OH MY GOODNESS. It was richness. I am so proud of myself!.
Ghee, batch II. |
My ghee is missing something that CACL's has that I will never be able to duplicate with my Sam's butter. Freshness. Hers is way, way better than mine, and I hope she'll continue to share. Her ghee was in the cow a short time before, where as mine was in a store or a truck. I am glad I went through this exercise -- it makes me appreciate what she shares with me even more.
And I know now that I even though I can't have Zac, I can have ghee.
I am good with that.
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