Sunday, January 22, 2012

Weekend in the wind...

My weekend has disappeared. It's gone.  Off the grid.  On some of may police/spy shows they say the spy or criminal is "in the wind".  Yep, that's what happened. 

Here's what got done....
  • Friday:  Car fixed, took Mojo for tour of PPS, picked B up from PPS, ate at Moes, came home
  • Saturday: B back to PPS, Got info and demo on Kindle, Eye Exam, Picked B up from PPS, ordered glasses, got hair cut for me and both girls, reserved movie at Redbox, picked up movie at Redbox, family watched movie from Redbox.
  • Sunday: church, target, made whole wheat and white wheat bread, cut up celery and carrots for snacks, made spaghetti, ironed clothes.
The big things that I didn't get to... Wanted to spend a couple of hours on LMNOP stuff.  I will have to take time out of my work day now.  I didn't get the dog washed.  She stinks.  BAD.  And, we didn't make it to the Family Worship tonight.  It was a family follow up from B;s winter retreat, and I really wanted to go.  

I want more weekend....

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