Saturday, March 7, 2009
A good week...almost two!
Work is work. Home is home. There has been nothing particularly exciting or unusual about either.
It looks like our annual spring marathon will start next week. Rehearsals for both plays Bentley is in, and softball all start next week. This is in addition to our loved year round activities of Mobile's Singing Children, church activities (choir) and things like homework and laundry. Throw in a trip to Europe and Tyler's graduation activities. Oh -- the girls had softball tryouts today, and both Bentley and I were approached about her continuing with pitching... is she going to stick with it? I was so glad to hear one coach say at 10 you don't have to eat, breathe and sleep pitching. Anyway -- can we squeeze in a weekly pitching lesson, and EXTRA softball practice? Yes...we will figure it out. Maybe we can work it in between teeth brushing and hair brushing in the mornings.
This is mostly Bentley -- Other than playing ball, Mallory, for the moment, is along for the ride.
It's all a little intimidating. I'm not sure how I will survive, but, I also know this is what I LOVE. I slip into the doll-drums when I am not consumed.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
The Great Escape
I did it again. I spent yesterday in the corner. I didn't get out of my PJs. I didn't walk outside into the sun. I didn't grocery shop. I didn't do laundry. I didn't clean. I avoided conversation at all costs. I read a lot. I watched a little TV. I eventually slept. I escaped. I was on my way to doing the same thing today -- I even considered calling in sick. I was an hour late for work.
I wonder, if I were truly depressed in the chemical / medical state, could I even self analyze whether or not I am depressed. I dunno.
I don't know who is reading, and who isn't. I don't want someone to read this and think I am incapable of doing some of my favorite things; the things that do usually motivate me to start my day. I don't want people to worry that I am unreliable -- haven't been there yet, and honestly that also keeps me going to some extent. What others think is very important.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Too proud?
She is something else -- smart, talented, and mostly she has a huge, big, accepting, loving heart. She just seems to be good at everything she tries. Don't get me wrong - she gets mad, makes kid mistakes, is learning life lessons, and the pre-teen moodiness is getting more and more frequent, but even with all that, she is just genuinely good. I am so proud of her I could pop!
This scares the bejezus out of me. If pride is a sin, won't I be punished for feeling such bursting, heart swelling, head popping pride? No matter how many times I thank God for giving me such a daughter, I always wonder if there is not some scale that is tipped out of balance because I am so proud.
I've seen tragic news stories where some poor devastated soul is on the TV, telling the world how their child loved life, and was good to the core, a good student, a leader in church, was so sweet. Lately, I have these horrid dreams where I am that poor devastated soul. I feel like I am barely holding on to an angel.
I don't really believe in premonitions, and I don't think there is much to this except a 'normal' mothers fears, but I wonder what is at the root of it all. Maybe the fear is rooted in the fact that I can see that she is growing up, and I know that before too long she'll be experiencing the hardness of life. Maybe it is because with each milestone she reaches, with each step she takes, my ability to protect her diminishes. Maybe I fear that heart break is coming. (When one has a big heart, how much worse does it hurt when it breaks?) Maybe I fear that she'll change.
For now, I guess I'll just keep trying to keep my pride in check. (I do know people get tired of hearing me brag about my kids !) I'll remember to thank God each day for His blessing me with 3 wonderful children. I'll try to hold on to my angel for as long as she needs me. And most of all, I'll pray that when the time comes, I'll will be able to let go and let her fly on her own.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Identity Crisis: Selfishness or Discovery
Example: You meet this person. You fall in love and they fall in love with you, and who you are. You get married, you build a life together, a home, you change. You have children, you partner, you change. Your children grow, you move to a new home, you change. Your parents age, you become the caretaker, you change. You get a promotion, your responsibilities increase, you change. Your financial situation changes, you make different choices, you change. It goes on and on and on and on.... and the changes don't stop.
And then one day, there is an argument, a fight, a discussion and the words are spoken. "You haven't always been that way." It is true.
All of sudden you look back and wonder what happened to the person you were. You realize that somewhere in all those changes, you no longer know who you are and the person on the other side of the table is still looking for who you were.
So the search for identity begins. Maybe it is not so much a search, as it is an examination. Do I like who I am now? Is this the definition of a midlife crisis? Is the search to understand this new sense of self selfish?
And the winner is.....
“I vote for Blue Toilet Water, because it's not heavy-handed, it suggests a sense of humor, and it's memorable. Also because it suggests a false sense of clean, and don't we all project that!”
Thanks, Aaron. Your ability to cut through the crap, even when the crap is a toilet metaphor, is a true gift.
The runner up was "Here. There. Yonder." Although, I only asked a few people to vote, the friends who have known me longest voted for this one. I think this says something about me and the ways I've changed over time. (I really like this title a bunch -- so much so, I've at least grabbed the URL from Blogger, so I can come back to it later if I want to.)
So it seems that my first blog is about choosing my blog name. I guess I would have liked for my first blog to be more profound, but such is life. It's the combination of choices we make that define us. It is interesting to realize that with some perspective, we might have made different choices. If we had chosen differently, would we even be who we are today? Doubtful.
Jiggle, swirl and whhhooooshhhh -- there goes that thought!
Thanks for stopping by!