Friday, February 13, 2009

And the winner is.....

Well as you can see, I’ve chosen “Blue Toilet Water” for my blog name. Thanks to all of you who voted and made suggestions. I liked this title all along, but I wondered if it was a bit was too much, so to speak. It was my brother’s intuitive comments that ultimately made me choose it..

“I vote for Blue Toilet Water, because it's not heavy-handed, it suggests a sense of humor, and it's memorable. Also because it suggests a false sense of clean, and don't we all project that!”

Thanks, Aaron. Your ability to cut through the crap, even when the crap is a toilet metaphor, is a true gift.

The runner up was "Here. There. Yonder." Although, I only asked a few people to vote, the friends who have known me longest voted for this one. I think this says something about me and the ways I've changed over time. (I really like this title a bunch -- so much so, I've at least grabbed the URL from Blogger, so I can come back to it later if I want to.)

So it seems that my first blog is about choosing my blog name. I guess I would have liked for my first blog to be more profound, but such is life. It's the combination of choices we make that define us. It is interesting to realize that with some perspective, we might have made different choices. If we had chosen differently, would we even be who we are today? Doubtful.

Jiggle, swirl and whhhooooshhhh -- there goes that thought!

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Nice start :~)

    I'm wondering how you got the little funny, interesting & cool boxes...hmmmm, maybe it has to do with the layout, or does it? Off to find my little boxes!
