Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Easy Come.... Easy Go..... Easy Button

My children want an easy button.  For EVERYTHING.  OK, that is not 100% true. One child wants an easy button for everything.  One wants it for some things.

Easy Button Request Number 1:  Mom, where are my ____________ (shoes, socks, clothes, towels, piano books, A/R books, snacks.... )  You know, last time I checked, I didn't wear / play with / read their __________.  I tell them to look around and find it.    Whine, whimper, etc.... but I've TRIED.  Go and pick up one or two things and uncover it.  Easy.

Easy Button Request Number 2:  I practiced / studied enough.  You know, there is rarely such thing as TOO MUCH.  Only a Billy Goat can get too much.

Easy Button Request Number 3:  Will you fix me a glass of ___________ (milk, tea, water, etc.)  Your legs don't look broken to me.

Easy Button Request Number 4:  If I get a "real" teacher, it will be easy.  Real teachers don't give you the answers.  They give you the tools you need to get to the answers on your own. 

You know, I'd like an Easy  Button of my own.  But years of experience have told me that, in general, I value the things I've worked for more than the things that came easy.  I guess I value being a parent.  I work at it.

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