Thursday, July 7, 2011

Intelligence vs. Initiative

I'm pretty average.  Just normal.  My IQ is somewhere between "bright normal" and "dull normal" on the Weschler scale, just like 82.2% of  the world.

I have often had people comment on how "smart" I am.  They are wrong.  They have confused intelligence with initiative. I am not afraid to ask questions, to figure things out. In fact, generally I cannot stand to leave something unfigured out.  And then, once it becomes routine, it becomes mundane and boring.

I actually think that lack of initiative is what is wrong with many in the American work force. I hear people say that the problem with the workforce is that people don't want to work.  I disagree.  I think most people want to work, it's just that they want to be spoon fed.  They want the boss to tell them exactly what to do and how to do it so that there is no personal responsibility for failure.  If they take no initiative, and wait for the spoon, how will they ever learn to feed themselves?

Sometimes intelligence can actually be detrimental.  I've seen this firsthand.  When someone can get by on intelligence alone, they don't always have to take initiative, and they get frustrated and give up when things dont come easy.

Initiative takes on many forms.  I recently read a blog by a young person participating in a piano camp.  She was talking about her willingness to play first, to answer questions, ask questions and participate in discussion.  She took initiative, and this was recognized by the instructors.  It was also recognized by her co-students (maybe even in the form of a snooty remark or two).  I wonder, why it is that taking initiative in this form gets condemed by so many kids?  Why is that kids who try to get the most out of an opportunity are labeled "teachers pets" and "a$$ kissers"? What is so good about being aloof and and passive?  How do you get the most from something if you don't reach out and grab hold?

So, I challenge all young people:  Take initiative!  Don't worry about any labels.  Initiative, coupled with perseverance will take you further than superior intelligence.  Intelligence is a  bonus.

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