Sunday, July 17, 2011

It's just not me.....

I had a very special day yesterday. It's was filled with family and old friends.  I was "kidnapped" by my brother and his significant other and treated to things that I rarely never get to do... 

  • *The day started early, around 1pm, with my first ever Swedish Massage - 60 full minutes or relaxation. I cannot tell you how wonderful it was. 
  • *Later in the evening, we met up with some friends from high school years.  Actually my brothers friends, but since we were pretty close in age, and we all got along, I guess they were my friends too. 
  • *A nice dinner.  Except I couldn't eat. :(
  • *Time out with adults at places that don't have kid menus.  The only disappointing thing was that I didn't get asked for ID.  I was waved in every door.
  • *At 2nd adult place, there was live music. I knew almost none of the songs.  
  • *Also at 2nd adult place, I played pool.  I used to be OK at it.  Now I am just BAD. I missed shots that I could have made with my eyes closed in my college days.
I remember when a night like this would have topped my fun list.  And though I enjoyed it, especially the company, I realized it is not me.  I'm not sure it ever was. 

OK - The massage was me.  Totally me.

So, even though I am not 100% in love with where I am in life,  today I am glad to be back to me.  

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it funny how we continue to change, even after we've "grown up?" I have a feeling I've finished changing, but I'm probably wrong. I bet the massage was awesome. :)
