Thursday, June 30, 2011
That's what I meant to say.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Shamed by the Billy Goat. And Cobbler.
I have been shamed. I am hanging my head.
A little Billy Goat said I had neglected my blog. I thought I had done pretty well - something every couple of days. Hmph! Heck, I even wrote a whole blog on my iPhone. THAT takes dedication. So, to hear that the vast majority readership feels I’ve neglected my blog… Shamed.
So I am blogging. Tonight's blog is about cooking. Cobbler, specifically. The first question: What is the proper spelling? Cobbler or cobler? My spellchecker thinks that there are two b's, so I am going with that.
I am not much of a cook. It is on my "to do" list as something I'll work on when I have time on my hands. (IE: When the kids are all grown). I have a whole cabinet full of cookbooks, most of them family hand-me-downs and such. I also have a whole "book" of recipes that I've written down, clipped from magazines, looked up on the internet, etc. Sadly, I've never even tried to make anything from most of the cookbooks, or my “that looks good” collection. Oh -- I do have Julia Childs cookbook. I bought it for myself.
The point of this is that, me, making homemade anything, is blog worthy. A serious accomplishment. If it turns out well, I shout it from the roof tops. And take pictures. :)
My sister-in-law is a cook. She makes things she sees on TV, and Paula Dean recipes, and always has something fabulous. Her husband is a great cook, too. On father’s day, said SIL make these two cobblers that were to die for. One peach and one blueberry. I asked for the recipe, and could not believe how easy it was. I made it tonight. Prep time 3 minutes. Cook time about 40 minutes.Mine wasn't as good as hers, but it was still very good. I bought vanilla ice cream to go with it.
Mmmm! Drool away!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Music Lessons and Answering Questions
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Hydroplaning, Rooster Tails & Near Death Experiences.
After a few minutes, the winds had calmed, and the rain was fairly intense, but manageable. We were in the far left lane of 3 lanes, driving below the speed limit, but still, pretty fast. We had two lanes of traffic to the right, and a 3.5 - 4 ft. high concrete barrier wall to the left. I'm not sure how to describe the sensation, but I instantly knew we were hydroplaning. The whole "feel" of the road changed. We went from rolling, to floating. In the same instant, a solid wall of water came from the other side of the barrier. It was like the ultimate rooster tail from my water skiing days. Obviously a vehicle on the other side of the barrier had hid the same patch of poorly draining interstate, and their tires had sprayed the water OVER the barrier. It was a solid sheet that completely hid the view of everything in front of us.
The whole thing lasted 3 or 4 seconds, and I have to say, TMan handled it brilliantly, as shown by the fact that we are all still alive. We did not hit the wall, or the other traffic. I am not sure what I would have done.
It was scary. That was the beginning of the adventure.
Friday, June 24, 2011
My truck.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
On top of that, I have plans for the weekend. I am supposed to drive (with one niece in tow) to Auburn tomorrow, meet up with TMan - after he takes a 4pm final for his mini-term class -- drive to north of Atlanta, meet my brother and his significant other and return my niece to him, spend the night with long time friends, and then power shop 400,000,000 square feet of Ikea on Saturday. Sick is no where on that agenda. Then drive back home Saturday night. (I was going to stay in Auburn, and come home Sunday morning, but I am getting cold vibes on that one.)
So blog followers, I may be absent for a few days. Either because gravity got a hold on that sickness weight and sucked me 6 feet under, or because I am busy and out of town. Either way, I hope I have blog material when I return!
PS: I did get two shots in the hiney at the doctors office. Hopefully one shot was hydrogen to counteract the weight. The doctors name was Hindenburg.
PSPS: I figured out I cannot blog on my iPhone. Safari (the Apple browser) will not let me into the "body" of the blog on my phone. I resorted to typing in notes, and copy/pasting, which actually worked, sort of. I may have to look into blogging by email, for posting Emergency Wally World entertainment opportunities, and such. Idea's, bloggers?
PSPSPS: What are you supposed to do if you want to add more than one postscript to a letter, blog, or other written communication? PSS? PSPS? PS AGAIN?
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Hello, is anyone out there?
Twelve, from Germany? Really? Who are you, my German friend? Please use the comment section to say hello!
All the others - the UK, India, Japan, the Netherlands and Ukraine, I imagine you landed here by accident. Even so, say hello.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Blog Name Update
??? - There is one young lady who I really think the world of. She boosted my ego in huge ways. She listed me as one of her favorite athletes on FB and other people "liked" me, too... I guess you could say she kind of started a fan club for me. How cool is that? I've been trying to come up with a special name that is reflective of her many qualities, talents and traits. It might have something to do with a hobbit. Or opera. Or piano. Or essays. Or possibly moose adoration. The possibilities are endless.
These are a few of my favorite things...
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Happy Fathers Day, Mom.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Target Practice
- It's irrational because I truly believe in our American right to bear arms.
- It's irrational, because, I've was raised, at least partially, in the country. Shotguns were a part of daily life, but they were for the boys. I was never taught how to handle the guns, a and, actually to this day, I've never shot a shotgun. My brother and cousin practiced shooting the shotguns by taking target practice at the snapping turtles in the pond on the farm. They received guns as gifts. My grandfather carried a shotgun in the trunk of his car at all times. The shells were in the glove box.
- I have, one time in my life, been a situation where a gun was used to threaten. I am not talking about being a witness to a robbery, or seeing something at a distance. I am talking about being in the room with a family member who had gone off the deep end, and who threatened to hurt themselves and other family members. Eventually, I ended up hiding in the closet of my bedroom until the danger, and fear passed. I was 13.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Well, I have some things on my mind, and I really want to get them out in the open. They are family things, and I admit, I both want and need some support. I need some friends who will listen as I wrestle with these issues. I need some folks who will tell me if they think I am on the wrong side. I am not afraid off being wrong, and I smart enough to know that I look at the world through only one set of eyes, and sometimes my vision is askew.
What I am wrestling with is that by virtue of the fact that I am dealing with "family" things, it's not just me. There are others involved who want to keep things private, and by their definition, private means talking to no one. To try to honor this, I have taken the professional route, and took the problems to a family counselor at church. The "family" did not participate, and in fact, the family was initially not invited to participate. I went for me. The couselor said that the privacy thing is being pushed so far, that it's control, not confidentiality. By not letting others see what is going on, and making sure there is no else can offer an opinion, or perspective, it's easy for one person to claim they are always in the right.
I guess by writing this, I am opening a door that I am not sure should be open. I know I haven't given specifics, but I also know it aint hard to figure out. I am to the point that I might have to put others wishes aside, and take control.
So I am wrestling. Not only with the issues at hand, but with how to get them out in the open while still being respectful and considerate.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Dear Lord, please give me OCD. Just a little bit, though.
I know I should be careful what I wish for, but I do wish I was just a little bit OCD about the cleanliness of my house. It's not that I don't care, I do, and I would die of embarrassment if you knocked on my door unexpectedly. The problem is that I don't care enough to do anything about it. I want to care enough to do something about it, and maintain it.
In my younger years, I had PMOCCD (pre-menstrual obsessive compulsive cleaning disorder.) I'd like to have it back, please. Along with boobs that don't sag, the elasticity in my skin, my speedy metabolism and fewer cellulite dimples. Oh, and brown hair. In the PMOCCD years, once a month, I'd go on a cleaning spree. It came like clockwork, and I "HAD" to do it. PMS makes some people feel like they're down, or have lost control. My way of taking control was cleaning, and putting my house in order. Now, I just eat chocolate and post blogs.
So, I'd really like some dose of something that would make me care. I am perpetuating this anti-cleaning mentality with my children. Cleaning is what ALWAYS gets put aside, and they are beginning to feel that Disney Channel shows are more important than cleaning the bathroom. After all the show goes off in 30 minutes, and the fungi in the bathroom will still be there.
Also, I know a messy, dirty house is a reflection on me. No one walks into the family house, and thinks, wow "INSERT HUSBAND/FATHER NAME HERE" is such a bad housekeeper. The state of the house - the decor', the cleanliness, the "feel" is a reflection on the lady of the house. A good wife manages the home and family well. Well, if you come to my house, you get the feel of a pack of rats at a garbage dump. You sometimes get the smell, too.
I joke about wanting a cleaning or laundry fairy on my social sites sometimes, and have been slapped in the face with comments like "that's why you have children". My children are busier than ME! We are not a stay at home family, so they are not there to "do".
So, Lord, will you please give me just a little bit of OCD? The house is in trouble!
Monday, June 13, 2011
I hear the word righteous in church a lot. It's in the Bible, and is often used to describe Biblical Characters. It's used to describe people of good standing in the church. I used to think that only a true saint could be righteous. I hear it in movies, and in slang, and it's obviously a good thing to be righteous. I thought righteousness and being Christian go hand in hand.
So, I wondered, maybe I expect everyone to be righteous. Maybe I expect more out of this human race than I should. Maybe I expect everyone to be righteous.
But, then, I looked up the word.
1. (of a person or conduct) Morally right or justifiable; virtuous.2. Perfectly wonderful; fine and genuine.
Even the Urban dictionary has a definition of righteous:
Containing the best possible attributable qualities.Synonyms of righteous are things like good, honest, fair, and right.
The word has nothing to do with religion, or faith. It has everything to do with the way we treat one another. Is it too much to ask people to be "morally right"? Is it too much to expect people to be "fine and genuine"? I know those are only parts of the definition, but is it such a stretch?
I know that everyone makes mistakes. Often mistakes are misguided choices -- bad decisions made without all the information, or made out for the wrong reason. These are truly mistakes, and those who made them are "morally right" and "fine and genuine". They are just mistakes, and they make me sad, but they don't disappoint me.
My disappointment today comes from the realization that some people I care about may not be "morally right". Morally right, to me, is defined by your interaction with the rest of the world, and how your decisions affect others. Hopefully, decisions are for the better, in some form or fashion.
Decisions made out of selfishness can never be morally right. They can never be "fine and genuine". But there can be many times where being "fine and genuine" also results in personal improvement. Both in circumstance and in mind.
And, so today, I am struggling with disappointment. With the fact that values have been compromised, or were maybe never there to begin with, and I've been too blind to see it. Or maybe that I've been hoodwinked.
Either way, I am disappointed, and my perception of the world is changed forever.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Saturday afternoon blahs....
Friday, June 10, 2011
Blog material.
- I can count to 41. Many times.
- I can pick 12 people (and sometimes 13) out of a crowd of 4.2 billion. I learned it's much easier when they wear matching shirts.
- I love chickenandcow lady's brownies.
- I like thrill rides They are my favorite.
- Lines can be fun.
- It's hot in June. Very hot.
- Tweenish girls are silly.
- Bottled water sometimes makes me more thirsty.
- Deodorant is an effective way to treat (and probably prevent) chaffing.
- Frozen lemonade is the bomb.
- Spray tans may not be the best thing for me.
- Standing next to a street pole does not automatically make me look like a streetwalker.
For the love of happy.
On recent group choir trip, I lost it a couple of times. "It" being my diplomacy. In a heartbeat, I went from even keeled, straight to irrational. I'm sure lack of sleep and fatigue and physical exhaustion played into it. I owe the choir czar an apology, not for why I lost it, but for the way I handled it - more like a 4 year old having a tantrum than an adult that could totally justify why I felt some things were unfair, and the fact that I was personally insulted by the way some things were communicated. In the end, the "issues" that I lost it over are immaterial -- it all worked out. It's the why's and how's that I have issue with. I plan to address it.
Now, that being said.... I had a lot to do with planning the trip for the group, via a travel agency, and there is soooo much I could have done better. I learned a lot. I left too many decisions to be made "on the fly", and it's hard to communicate with a large group that is spread out. More than that, there is soooo much that the people who got paid to plan the trip could have pointed out and helped me address. So, once again, life has taught me a lesson.
Overall the trip was fun. I think everyone had fun. There were no problems that created safety issues. All kids were in good shape at all times. We had a two full days of full "group" stuff, and two full days of time for small groups to go in different directions. I think it was a nice balance.
I love this choir group. I will continue to try to diplomatically do what is best for the group. Even when it is delusional.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
A long day...
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
The people of Wally World
I shop at Wally World, sometimes. If I have to visit a "super" store, I'd much rather visit the Super Red Bullseye Store, which I find to be cleaner, better organized, and have higher quality merchandise. Sadly, item-for-item it is also more expensive than the WallyWorld across the street, so I don't one-stop-shop. (Wasn't that the purpose of these super stores? To save time? So in one stop you can drop your car off for an oil change, balance and rotation, all while you shop for new drawers - the kind for you body, and the kind you PUT the ones for your body in - get your eyes examined, have your nails and hair done, buy nails and hair, get your glamor shot taken, and order a birthday cake, get your groceries, purchase a pet goldfish and its all needed supplies, stop for a fried fish and okra dinner in the deli, then you can pick up your Ali diet pills in the pharmacy. By the way, say a prayer it's not fried goldfish.) If I had my druthers, I'd one-stop-shop at Super Red Bullseye Store, but it is financially irresponsible. I go to Super Red Bullseye Store for "things" - linens, housewares, and some clothing items (especially for the girls). I shop at WallyWorld for groceries. Groceries are things like toothpaste, sunscreen, laundry and dishwasher detergents, cereal, cream of mushroom soup, and bacon. I'll buy ground beef at Wally World, but no other beef. If I am in the mood to buy a roast, or splurge for a steak, it's back to Super Red Bullseye Store or Wind Dicksy.This running all over town does not save me any time, but I cannot justify paying $3.78 for a bottle of Heinz Ketchup at Super Red Bullseye Store, knowing I can get the exact same bottle of ketchup from Wally World for $2.98.Now, sometimes, if I just need one or two things, I will go for the "one-stop-shop". I put a value on my time, and I know it's not saving me one red cent in cash or frustration to drive my hiney across the street to get Catchup for $.80 cheaper.Besides lower prices, WallyWorld has one redeeming quality that is typically missing at Super Red Bullseye Store: Entertainment Value. No matter what time of day or night you visit the Wally World, you are likely to be entertained by merely watching some psychopathetic person. (Note: psychopathetic is word I created. It will be in Webster's soon, so you should use it in routine conversation. You will be ahead of the game.) When my son was 14 and 15, his Friday night outing was trips to Wally World with friends. I suspect they instigated some of the entertainment, but none the less, they had plenty of willing subjects. Since I am not speedy with my camera, I am borrowing some photos from others entertainment enriched outings.Enjoy!
I personally have never forgotten to put a shirt on before I went to Walmart to pick out a home phone (or anything for that matter), but then again I’m weird.
La Schwinn, an opera being performed in the in the sporting goods section of WallyWorld. The soprano is amazing.
I suspect, that occasionally I am the leading lady in the entertainment. For example, when searching for drawers. True confessions: I am a cotton lady. Nothing too fancy, but not Granny Panties either. I like Hanes. They hold up best and come in packages of 6 or 10 pairs for a and didn't cost more than my first car. Now, it seems that every time I decide it's time to buy a package of drawers, the style I want is available in EVERY OTHER DANG SIZE KNOWN TO MAN, except the size I need. And then, there is the frustration of a completely different sizing system for drawers than for pants and skirts. Whose brilliant idea was that??? If I wear a size 10 pants (I WISH!), why can't I wear a size 10 drawers? That would make sense, so the manufacturers don't do it that way. A size 10 pants/skirt size equates to a size 6 or 7 in drawers.This is where the entertainment comes in, when I stand in the WallyWorld store, and have a conversation with the drawers. They talk back, and sometimes they laugh at me. I laugh right back at them. Psychopathetic.And don't get me started on bathing suits or bras.So, head out to WallyWorld when you want the best prices on your groceries, and a show thrown for good measure. The people will not disappoint you.