Thursday, June 23, 2011


I hate to get sick, because when the Momma is sick, it really doesn't count. She still coordinates the carpool bus, takes care of things, goes to work, does her volunteer duties, talks to doctors who call and mess up the one good thing that happened this week......... In other words, Momma gets do all the same stuff, except all while blowing her brains out through her nose and pulling a 10,000 pound weight filled with snot and whatever the gritty stuff that is currently residing in my throat is.

On top of that, I have plans for the weekend. I am supposed to drive (with one niece in tow) to Auburn tomorrow, meet up with TMan - after he takes a 4pm final for his mini-term class -- drive to north of Atlanta, meet my brother and his significant other and return my niece to him, spend the night with long time friends, and then power shop 400,000,000 square feet of Ikea on Saturday. Sick is no where on that agenda. Then drive back home Saturday night. (I was going to stay in Auburn, and come home Sunday morning, but I am getting cold vibes on that one.)

So blog followers, I may be absent for a few days. Either because gravity got a hold on that sickness weight and sucked me 6 feet under, or because I am busy and out of town. Either way, I hope I have blog material when I return!

PS: I did get two shots in the hiney at the doctors office. Hopefully one shot was hydrogen to counteract the weight. The doctors name was Hindenburg.

PSPS: I figured out I cannot blog on my iPhone. Safari (the Apple browser) will not let me into the "body" of the blog on my phone. I resorted to typing in notes, and copy/pasting, which actually worked, sort of. I may have to look into blogging by email, for posting Emergency Wally World entertainment opportunities, and such. Idea's, bloggers?

PSPSPS: What are you supposed to do if you want to add more than one postscript to a letter, blog, or other written communication? PSS? PSPS? PS AGAIN?

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry.
    I believe it's PPS, since it is post the post-script. And if one more is needed, PPPS- post the post of the post-script:)
    Feel better!
