In a prior blog, I listed my "blog names" for people I know (Click here if you are not my one and only blog reader and are interested). I described one certain someone like this:
??? - There is one young lady who I really think the world of. She boosted my ego in huge ways. She listed me as one of her favorite athletes on FB and other people "liked" me, too... I guess you could say she kind of started a fan club for me. How cool is that? I've been trying to come up with a special name that is reflective of her many qualities, talents and traits. It might have something to do with a hobbit. Or opera. Or piano. Or essays. Or possibly moose adoration. The possibilities are endless.
Well, just an update on her blog name. I STILL DON"T HAVE ONE! I thought I was close, but then, my idea fizzled out. So, I am still working on it. It has to be unique, and symbolic, and have some underlying meaning that will make it extra special.
I am not sure I put this much thought into naming my children.
One day, it's gonna slap me in the face. I can't wait.
I had trouble naming her too! I wanted to name her one thing and DH couldn't stand it. He would wake up in the middle of the night and shake me to tell me the name was all wrong. I gave in and changed it. :)