Friday, June 10, 2011

Blog material.

You would think after going on a 4 day trip to "the happiest place on earth" with 40 other people, I'd have lots of material for this blog. Sadly, I don't. I'll hit the highlights.
  1. I can count to 41. Many times.
  2. I can pick 12 people (and sometimes 13) out of a crowd of 4.2 billion. I learned it's much easier when they wear matching shirts.
  3. I love chickenandcow lady's brownies.
  4. I like thrill rides They are my favorite.
  5. Lines can be fun.
  6. It's hot in June. Very hot.
  7. Tweenish girls are silly.
  8. Bottled water sometimes makes me more thirsty.
  9. Deodorant is an effective way to treat (and probably prevent) chaffing.
  10. Frozen lemonade is the bomb.
  11. Spray tans may not be the best thing for me.
  12. Standing next to a street pole does not automatically make me look like a streetwalker.
I think that's it for now.


  1. 1. Very skillfully, if I do say so myself.
    2. More than I can.
    3. I never had one. That's sad.
    4. Good for you!
    5. Very.
    6. Agreed.
    7. Very.
    8. ?
    9. ????
    10. YES!
    11. Ok, if you say so.
    12. I wasn't going to say this on FB, but the one of you looking at your watch makes you look like, "He should be here any minute". Just sayin'

  2. you hit 6-8 SPOT ON - applauds -
